Secret electoral alliances in Iraq: Moqtada al-Sadr is dominant

By – Elijah J. Magnier:

New alliances have emerged from the intra-Shiite meetings in Baghdad among the political party groups who represent the most significant number of parliamentary seats that enable these, in partnership with elective Sunni and Kurds leaders, to choose the future Prime Minister, the President of the Republic, and the Speaker of the parliament. However, the undeclared alliances before the parliamentary elections created the indignation of other, uninvited Shiite political parties. These were not invited to join the coalition of the most vital groups. It was therefore considered an attempt to isolate them and to re-elect Mustafa Al-Kadhemi as Prime Minister and reject former Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki’s candidateship. However, the re-election of al-Kadhemi is only possible if Muqtada Al-Sadr remains committed to supporting him as promised.

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Proofread by: Maurice Brasher


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