What happened in Vienna? How did the Western negotiator threaten Iran, and what was the response?

Written by – Elijah J. Magnier:

What just happened behind the closed doors of the Vienna negotiations regarding the nuclear deal? Where did the European-Iranian negotiations get to after this, the first session since the new Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi was elected, and the seventh round of negotiation since the start of the talks between the two parties?

A source present in Vienna said that “the problem for the European negotiator is to get to know his new Iranian counterpart and his approach towards the nuclear deal that is different from his predecessor. In 2015, the government of (former) President Hassan Rouhani was convinced that it was necessary to achieve the nuclear agreement at any cost, even at the expense of Iranian interests. The Iranian negotiator revealed to the Europeans and American negotiators that Iran was under severe economic crisis and needed to agree. The former Iranian negotiator made a strategic mistake. When President Raisi took power, he declared that the nuclear agreement was not his priority. Therefore, the Iranian scientific nuclear progress, the rapid development of Iran’s nuclear capability, enrichment uranium, and advanced centrifuge models in the past months offered the Iranian negotiator a unique position of strength that the previous negotiator did not possess. That is why Iran went to 

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Proofread by: Maurice Brasher


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