How the Axis of Resistance checkmated Israel: A Strategic Masterstroke.

By Elijah J. Magnier:

Hezbollah’s recent rocket fire wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision but the culmination of a carefully crafted strategy. It seems Israel has been outmanoeuvred by a plan set in motion more than half a year ago by the “Axis of Resistance”. This coalition of leaders from Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen met months ago to orchestrate a grand deception aimed squarely at Israel and carry out manoeuvres by all members of the Axis of Resistance for ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day. Their aim? To expose Israel’s military and political vulnerabilities and destroy its reputation for deterrence for years to come. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now faces a dilemma: he can either negotiate the release of a large number of prisoners to de-escalate the situation and end the “flood of al-Aqsa”, or he can prepare Israelis for an intensified conflict for which he is unprepared.

Six months ago, Hezbollah made a significant move by deploying thousands of its elite Al-Radwan forces along the border. Israel interpreted this show of force as a sign of possible 

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