Israel launches a new war against Hezbollah and prepares for Gaza.

Written by – Elijah J. Magnier:

Israel is shifting from a full-scale ground war in Gaza, which was deemed unsuccessful, to a more targeted approach involving assassinations and special operations. This shift follows the announcement of the end of operations in the north, where objectives were not met, and a similar announcement is expected in the south in the coming weeks. Despite these changes, Israel’s main objectives, including the release of prisoners and the elimination of Hamas, remain unfulfilled and Israel is far from declaring victory over Hamas and the other Palestinian resistance groups. Hamas continues to put up fierce resistance by regularly firing rockets at Tel Aviv, sending a strong message that Israel has failed to degrade the resistance’s capabilities after less than 100 days of war.

This new strategy is aimed at prolonging the conflict, minimising human casualties and appeasing extremist cabinet members within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. Netanyahu, seemingly a prisoner of his government’s agenda, is focused on staying in power rather than achieving his originally stated goals. At the same time, Israel has escalated its tactics in Lebanon, particularly targeting Hezbollah’s specialised units and leadership. This is causing Hezbollah to consider new and more effective rules of engagement to protect its members from Israeli assassination.

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