A bright future for China, a bleak one for Europe where more leaders are expected to fall

Written by – Elijah J. Magnier:

The battle between Russia and the West on the European continent has intensified as fighting continues on Ukrainian soil. Moscow reduces the flow of gas to Germany for the second time in one month, which is heavily suffering the weight of its sanctions. Starting this week, Russia is expected to deliver only 20 per cent, or 33 million cubic metres, out of 65 million cubic metres of gas to Germany for maintenance purposes. Moreover, the Russian turbine that was in maintenance in Canada and was sent back to Germany is expected to arrive in August, which means a further gas reduction in flow is also expected next month. However, European troubles continue with the emergence of Hungary, standing in opposition to sanctions against Russia. Hungary Prime Minister Victor Orbán acknowledges that a multipolar world has been born, that Ukraine is losing the war, and that the US erred in all its calculations concerning losses which afflict the West in the first place, rather than Russia.

Prime Minister Orbán highlighted that as a European Union, “we’re told (by the US) that Ukraine would win the war if arms were sent to it by all NATO countries. We were told that sanctions against Russia would weaken it and hit the leadership and that Europe and the West would bypass the economic sanctions that would hurt them (the Russians) more than it would hurt us and that the world would stand with us because we are right. What happened in reality? NATO participates in the war with special forces. It sends weapons- but the Ukrainians are losing the battle against Russia, and the sanctions have not changed Russia’s leadership. Europe is in severe economic and political crisis where governments have begun to fail (Italy and Britain), and Autumn has not come yet (due to the severe shortage of gas, internal unrest throughout Europe where economic conditions are deteriorating, and high prices of energy and other goods are expected with the beginning of the Autumn). Finally, the world is not with us (the West). The US has lost the ability to line up countries behind it. China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Arab countries and most African countries do not want to participate in this war. A multipolar system has been born and begs for a new strategy. We (in Europe) should not focus on winning the battle but on making a good peace offer (to Russia and Ukraine).”

Hungary, an EU and NATO member, Prime Minister continued: “The West should not stand with Ukraine but between Russia and Ukraine because the war will not stop without Russia getting guarantees (for its national security that Kyiv won’t become a NATO member). After World War II, Europe finds itself again in a situation where it does not have the last word on the most important security issues because the last word belongs to the Americans and the Russians.”

“So, where are we at today? Russia sells the least amount of gas and oil, but its revenues have increased. Moscow transfers its production and energy sales to China at prices lower than the prices of international markets. US energy companies’ revenues, such as Exxon Mobil, have doubled and Chevron quadrupled, while Europe is paying three times the price of its energy and is facing the spectre of recession. We believe that the problems of all Western countries will multiply by 2030,” confirmed Prime Minister Orbán.A senior official in Western Europe describes the reality of the situation on the old continent. It shows how Europe fell into the US trap that screamed “victory” when Russia was advancing in Ukraine. The US dragged EU leaders into joining it to “break Russia”, cripple its economy and bury its ambitions forever. 

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Proofread by: Maurice Brasher
